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Emissions - Page 11

  • Emission du 12 juin 2016

    Avec Blandine, Fred, Charlotte, Elsa, Charlotte- a la technique Anne Sophie, Elisabeth et Adriano

    Nos invites Samuel et Faustine



    re ecoutez l'emission ici https://www.mixcloud.com/AmuseGueule/emission-du-12-juin-2016-my-little-french-book-van-tiritiri-matangi-lile-aux-oiseaux/


    Annonces :

    Atelier d'ecriture avec Nicolas Fargues - Alliance Française d'Auckland

    french-market-website-banner3.jpgFete de la Musique  Samedi 18 Juin au Golden Door bar

    tous les details ici:http://www.alliance-francaise.co.nz/

    Rencontre avec Faustine et Samuel, initiateurs du projet My little French Book Van ' :  6 mois en Nouvelle Zelande a rencontrer etudiants, profs de francais et les Alliances Française

    Tous les details par ici https://www.facebook.com/mylittlefrenchbookvan/

    et sur leur blog https://mylittlefrenchbookvan.wordpress.com/



    index.jpegLes decouvertes de Blandine :
    Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore visité Tiritiri Matangi, le site : http://tiritirimatangi.org.nz vous donnera toutes les informations nécessaires pour visiter cette belle île et en savoir un peu plus sur les oiseaux néo-zélandais, une expérience à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte!!!
    Pour ceux qui veulent s'inverstir dans la resaturation d'ile: http://motuora.org.nz/


    Mesage de Fred:
    Pour le projet livre de Te Puea Marae, une inititiative a soutenir:

    "in response to the wonderful manaakitanga shown by Te Puea Marae, and in particular, as a way of supporting the future of the kids that the Marae are helping, I’ve partnered with the University bookshop to get a library of wonderful kids and YA books – fiction and non-fiction – for the Marae. Why? Because I really do believe that there is no frigate like a book/to take us to lands away (thats Emily Dickinson) - and theres excellent research that shows that early reading is a huge indicator of both future success and empathy, with all the spillover benefits I know you know about. 

    Here’s what the University book shop has proposed:

    "As a University bookshop, UBS knows the incredible value of reading for a child.That is why from June 10th – 18th for every book purchased for Te Puea Marae, UBS will donate a book of the same value. We will be collecting the books in store, so simply let our staff know you wish to make a donation.

    I‘Today a reader, tomorrow a leader’ – Margaret Fuller.

    So choose a wonderful book – supporting our independent book store on campus – and they’ll donate to match. Anyone who needs book recommendations, feel free to ask!

    Those of you not on campus can purchase books online https://www.ubsbooks.co.nz/ or over the phone 09 3062700 – make sure you note it is for Te Puea Marae as this will mean the bookshop will donate to match, and will store the donations for collection. 

    After June 18th, I will deliver the books to Te Puea on your behalf. I’ve talked to Te Puea Marae, and they are happy to take donations of books to support the kids’ learning and enjoyment. Books will also be distributed to families as they leave the Marae, particularly if they have a lot of book donations :)

    Please feel free to share this email with those colleagues and friends that you think would like to participate,

    Ngā mihi Kate


  • Emission du 5 juin 2016 - Climat et Euro

    Plus d'info sous peu. Mais vous pouvez déjà (re)-écoutez l'émission.


  • Emission du 22 mai 2016 Interview de JC Rufin

    Emission avec Romain, Blandine, Charlotte et Elisabeth

    Invitee: Delphine, responsible du Citizen Advice Bureau, St Lukes

    Re e coutez l emisison sur ce lien https://www.mixcloud.com/AmuseGueule/emission-du-22-mai-2016-interview-de-jean-chrsitophe-rufin-le-cab/


    Invitee: Delphine, responsible du Citizen Advice Bureau, St Lukes

    82 St Lukes Road, Mt Albert

    Telephone 09 984 4023, Email: edenalbert@cab.org.nz

     Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9.00 a 16hr
    Service du Justice of the Peace de 10.00-11.30 et de 13hr a 14hr 30


    9782352210610.jpgRencontre de Jean Christophe Rufin par Blandine et Charlotte - 25 Minutes d interview




  • Emission du 8 mai 2015

    Avec Blandine, Charlotte, Anne Sophie , Elisabeth et Sian

    Retour sur les années 70 !

    Re écouter cette émission sur ce lien https://www.mixcloud.com/emc-degremont/emission-du-8-mai-2016-les-annees-70s/



    16-KAF-miniPoster-1090px(1).jpgSamedi prochain 14 mai: le  Kids Arts Festival au Corban Estate Arts Centre, 2 Mt Lebanon Lane, Henderson 

    Retour sur les années 70!

    Belle journée en famille - bricolage, animation,artisanat en tous genres
    Freddy the robot and Andrew Hall will be back for a 'Lost In Space' inspired workshop! Create rocket ships, robots and other sci-fi themed assemblages out of all sorts of retro junkyard gems!



     Un spectacle de qualité: Jesus-Christ Superstar se joue à L'harlequin musical theatre , Howick

    lien du théâtre :http://harlequintheatre.co.nz
    Pour ceux qui veulent essayer d'y aller, peut-être une possibilité :
    just like that... SOLD OUT! Congratulations to everyone involved as we've come in at 98.5% for the season. 
    I have started a list of tickets to resell and people who want them. Message us here or text Kimmy on 021762641 if you have tickets to sell or want to buy. Sometimes we get seats handed back at the last minute if someone can't make it suddenly."
    Selection musicale :
    Alain Souchon, Jo Dassin, etc ....